Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Not my green thumb.

So our family(John and the kids)are back into the throws of "garden Saturday." Every Saturday there is something to do in the garden. We have a container garden because the soil in Arizona is very difficult, and that's being nice. John has plants to plant, watering, fertilizing, trimming, thinning and basic ooohhhing and aaahhhing over the great new blossoms and developing buds of yummy goodness.

I enjoy it because I do virtually nothing but enjoy the labors and get to eat what is produced. I like watching the plants grow and I find the plants quite beautiful actually. Pictured above are broccoli, romaine lettuce, butter crunch lettuce and glimpses of onion stalks. I have one word...YUM!


sasmithfam said...

Looks delish! We will have to find out all your secrets. Sounds like a lot more work than just going to the store and picking it up. ;) Totally worth it, I am sure. Healthier too!

Mary said...

Rod loves to garden, and I love to eat the fresh veggies all summer long.

Your garden is already growing??? Wow. I guess Arizona is a whole different world from Washington.