Monday, February 15, 2010

I already forgot the lyrics!

On Saturday evening a momentous event occurred. A party. Only adults. Fantastic Italian food. Great conversation and friends. Such fun.

Then to top it all off, we all gathered around to play "Don't Forget the Lyrics!" Six brave Contestants were chosen from each team. Then the real "belly laughing" fun started to happen. Each contestant came up to chose a category and from there they were told which song and artist they would be singing. The words were projected onto a screen for everyone to read and sing along and then somewhere after the first or second chorus there were blanks to be filled in with lyrics by the contestant.

My husband was lucky enough to catch a shot or two of almost all the contestants. (Please keep in mind that the pictures are not the best quality, the lighting was not optimal, and it's hard to take a picture when you're laughing.)
Also, please note that the contestants appearance has been altered to protect their identity.

Unfortunately our first contestant was not captured on film, but "Willy" will still be part of our party memories doing his best rendition of Queen performing "Crazy Little Thing Called Love"

Our second contestant, let's call him "Frank", is singing "That's Amore" by Dean Martin. "That's Amore" was the theme for the party, so of course it had to be a song choice! Also, note that our game host, "Cathi", is helping the contestants get into character by participating alongside them.

Next up, "Katie" got dolled up to sing "Dancing Queen" by ABBA.

Then came time for "Brian" to strut his stuff with his version of "Sweet Emotion" by Aerosmith. Way to jam on the guitar!

Our next contestant "President Lars", chose to reach out for one of the life lines and had his good buddy "Bishop Brian" join him for a duet to sing "Already Gone" by Kelly Clarkson. We're still surprised that they didn't know the lyrics right off the bat.

Next came "Becky" singing what else, but "The Music of the Night" by Andrew Lloyd Weber from Phantom of the Opera. We hope she takes our suggestion to become a professional, truly amazing!

Getting into the country groove, was "Sara" singing "One More Day" by Diamond Rio.

Don't be distracted by the shiny, glorious blond locks, "Sara" is having a blast singing "Love Story" by Taylor Swift. (I know you seriously thought for a moment that Taylor Swift had joined our little party in person, but no, it was "Sara" incognito.)

We got Cathi doing some serious drumming to accompany "Judy" in her best tenor voice doing "Cold as Ice" by Foreigner. She rocked that song!

Though the disguise may seem redundant, "Mark" was happy to share his version of Shania Twain's "Forever and For Always".

The true Rock Star of the night turned out to be "Rod." We had no idea he was pulling out all the moves for "The Way You Make Me Feel" by Michael Jackson. He danced, he sang, and he took home the win for his team. Well deserved.

Cathi truly outdid herself putting this game together. She really left her heart out there when she led us all in singing "Can You Feel the Love Tonight" by Elton John. We can't thank you enough for helping us let down our hair and loosen up a bit and just have some good fun!

Here is some video during "Michelle's" rendition of "I Want to Hold Your Hand" by the Beatles.

And just a taste of "Rod" doing his best Michael Jackson impression.

Good Times

1 comment:

Kevin and Naomi Barton said...

That was a truly great night! Definitly will not be a night to forget, thanks for the pictures!