Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Two teeth in one week

My son comes running in from school to show me how his tooth is loose. I start cracking up. His tooth is hanging out of his mouth, but it's still hanging on, and it doesn't let go until almost a week later.

We came home from church and Hayden asks his dad if he would do the "door trick" to get his tooth out. John complies and it takes all of about 20 seconds. He tied floss to the door and then to the tooth and then counts "One, Two, ...Three." Only John didn't wait until "Three" to slam the door, he shut it on "One" and a little. The tooth kinda went flying. Hayden was very excited.

Not as excited as the next day when he came running in from school again to show me another loose tooth. I asked him if he was going to wait another week to see if it came out. He said, probably.

Two days later when he bit down on something he flinched because he had knocked the loose tooth a little more loose. He was really uncomfortable at dinner trying to chew with this tooth getting in the way. So dad said he would do the door trick again since it worked so well the first time. John tied the floss around the tooth and realized that when he tightened it, it had just about come free then. He tugged on the floss real good and the tooth was out.

Hayden has already discovered the "Tooth Fairy" secret so he asked fairly quickly, so how much do I get?

1 comment:

Mary said...

We're losing a lot of teeth around these parts, too. (Am I a bad mom if loose teeth make me want to barf? I can't stand to see them dangling. It's always a relief when they are finally out.)