Thursday, December 17, 2009

See the resemblance...

I keep trying to make time to blog and other things...dinner, laundry, and sleep keep getting in the way.  Anyway, I had to share this funny story.

A couple Sundays ago my son came out of his church class with some homemade playdough in the shape of a person. 

So, I asked him, "So, who did you make with your playdough?" 

He responded with, "Why, mom, it's you!" 

"Oh, I didn't see the resemblance."

Then, without missing a beat, he says, "See, mom, I even tried to make boobs."

Then imagine a small eruption of laughter from myself and about 4 other kids who were hearing the conversation at the same time, in a place that should be calm, respectful and reverent. 

Oh, how I love that my son makes me laugh, even when I'm not supposed to.  Hehe.


once upon a poppy said...

hahah! that is funny. i love boys!

Mary said...

Ha! So cute.

Ady Hahn said...

Too funny. I keep hoping the boys won't notice the difference between them and their sister (for a while anyway).