Friday, December 4, 2009


This is how a conversation went with my husband and son yesterday:

Dad: Ok, son, let's get ready to go.

Son: Oh, Dad, while we are out can we go to Home Depot?

Dad:  What do you need at Home Depot?

Son:  A small nail.

Dad:  A small nail?

Son:  Yeah, a pretty small nail.

Dad:  What are you going to do with the pretty small nail?

(Wait for it....)

Son:  Well, ya know the screw that goes in my glasses?...yeah, it came out and I was thinking if could find a small nail, then I could use that so my glasses stay together and the lense stops falling out.  (said so matter-of-factly)

Dad: (somewhat holding back bewilderment)  How about this?  How about we swing by the eye doctor and have them fix your glasses for you?

Son:  I guess so.

I have too applaude my son for practicing some problem solving skills.  He did seem like the air was let out when he didn't get to use a pretty small nail, though.


Leslie said...

that's pretty dang cute. I would have liked to see him hammer that nail into his glasses. :)

Sharon said...

I love, love this story!!!! I laughed right out loud! I love reading your blog!!!