Thursday, May 22, 2008

When the horse is dead, get off of it!!

I was listening to a book on tape by Amanda Dickson (KSL radio announcer), thanks to my mother-in-law, and the title of one of the chapters was "When the horse is dead, get off of it!" I started laughing before I could even hear the following words. I think I will adopt this as my new phrase.

Now we should all ponder a minute about how well we let the worries and cares of the world just slide over us. I am so much better than I used to be...thanks to my husband. It used to drive me nuts when we were having an argument and a few minutes later he wanted to kiss and make up, while I wanted to wallow in exasperation. I am much better now at letting things go!
It has been a pattern I've seen by many people in my life that want to rehash a subject or issue or complaint or whatever...this cycle can be hard to relinquish. BUT it can be done! The hardest may be when you perceive that others are intentionally doing something to hurt you. Never mind their intention. Appreciate what you can about them and then let it go. Anyway, I'm not as clever as some at waxing philosophical, so just use the phrase how you would like, whatever it means to you.


Laurel said...

I love it! It's a great mantra. I will repeat it to myself often. Especially when I'm sucked into an argument with a 4 year old. Again. Neigh!

INVICTE said...

I say, when the horse is dead kick it a couple of times for giving out on you....just kidding...kind of...lazy, dead horse.