Thursday, August 21, 2008

My New Toy!

This is my new toy, but mine's black. John and I found it at Costco for a great price, and we couldn't pass it up. (Just for the record, I rarely buy big ticket items when I shop alone, but when I shop with John at my side the bill goes way up). Anyway, we had talked about it for some time, so we caved and got one. I am nibbling peanut butter cookies in between keystrokes. I wanted to try something simple first...I'm not disappointed! Yum, yum.


Turley Family said...

I love your new toy! I want a kitchen aid so bad. I have a sunbeam...not the same. but it gets the job done for now. Some day! Enjoy your new toy and making lots of yummy food!

Kaylee said...

Hopeyou enjoy yours as much as I enjoy mine!! At least you did not have to wait for your birthday!

Jenn said...

Oh you will love it! I am suprised how much I use mine and I am not a huge cook. I think my kids love it the most. Some mornings Colby will pull out the flour container and stand by the kitchen aid and yell "mom", he's always in the mood for cookies. Yea for you, happy cooking!

once upon a poppy said...

i love my kitchen aid! i haven't branched out too much yet. i'm waiting for it to cool down to make bread.
check out our blog.

Leslie said...

I just got one too! I just about did a post on it too. I've been wanting one our whole married life and 12 years into, 3 bars later, I got one! My kids call it "Mom's Kitchenaider."

Sharon said...

Have to admitt a little bit of jealousy! Keep me posted on the wonderfulness of the kitchenaide! And of course any yummy recipes you run across. :D

i miss you!

Jennifer Wheeler said...

I got a kitchen aid about 4 yrs. ago for Christmas. For some unexplainable reason the silly thing sat in my garage UNOPENED, SAD, AND ALONE. About 4 months ago it dawned on me that I was a "Kithen Aid Owner!" Did I not realize the significance of this forgotten fact? Let me just say, that from the time I pulled the baby out of the box, til now, I have EASILY gained 6 or more pounds. Chocolate chip cookies, lemon cookies, oatmeal, peanut butter.... it's a beautiful thing that becomes somewhat of an addiction. Happy Mixing to you!