Monday, August 4, 2008

What happens in Vegas...

If you ever plan to visit Las Vegas or are just passing through you might want to catch a show...I adamantly recommend a Cirque de Soleil show. We made plans to be in Las Vegas for other reasons I may later venture to explain, and so we decided while we there that we'd check out a show. Since we had the kids with us we had to make sure it was family friendly. There are 2 Cirque de Soleil shows that are family friendly in Vegas, "O" and "KA". Since KA was the only one showing on the night we were going to be there we bought tickets. You should really check out the trailer.

Okay, so the show is AMAZING!!! It's a vertical, eye-popping, stimulating show. The kids loved it! We loved it! It was worth paying a month's worth of groceries to go see! (We now have to eat PB&J for the month of August, but totally worth it)!
John saw O a few years back and had a similar reaction. We might make another trip soon so that I can catch O as well.

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