Monday, June 16, 2008

Just like that old time rock & roll...

Ok, so I was just thinking how super easy it is to get music from the web and put it on your MP3 player or ipod and how things have changed. Is there anyone else out there who will willingly admit to listening to the radio on their "boom box", and when the song that you wanted came on you would hurriedly push the record and play button on the cassette player? Then sit there through the entire song so incredibly quiet, just to have your mom or brother come walking in and ask a series of questions which is now recorded along with your favorite song? Perhaps I lived in the dark ages of music, where I couldn't save enough to buy my own cassette tape of my favorite band, or no one could drive me to the mall to buy it, or I just had to settle for whatever came on the radio. Am I alone in this, or are there any other silly saps that did their best to get their favorite songs on cassette while trying to "hide" in a room so others wouldn't come in and mess it up? I'm laughing that I used to do this, and yet I was so proud to listen to my tapes even if I did get the occasional voice, holler, doorbell, dog bark, and even whispers. Goofy me...any others?


Kelli said...

Deb, I am so right there with you on that. I can't believe how many home made tapes that I made. What's worse you say...when you add your own vocal skills along with it!! I can still remember trying to record my own voice right along with Steve Perry of Journey. Eeek! I guess you could call that the old school of Kareoke!!

Sharon said...

Oh yes! I am truly grateful for Ipods! :D I can't remember how many times I tried to tape a song from the radio just to have a sibling add their own track to the song.

Kaylee said...

Yep...I'm as big of a dork as you are!! Not sure if Todd will admit it, but I'm sure he is too!!

INVICTE said...

What I fondly recall about that decade was waiting for when you knew your sibling was hiding in some closet getting ready to record her favorite song and then barging in right at the key moment and start asking inane questions, etc etc

Laurel said...

Totally did that! And loved it!