Monday, April 14, 2008

Trying my hand at blogging.

So, I spent way too much time looking at some other blogs today and well, I guess I just wanted to be able to say I had my own as well. So here goes...we'll see how diligent I am at adding to it on a regular basis and how others may or may not enjoy reading it!!!

I should totally be doing laundry, but that's why there's a dewrinkle and quick fluff setting, right?

So, my typical Monday consists of getting kids off to school and then composing my "To Do" List for the week. My problem is that I usually only add to the list on Monday. I do sometimes remember other things I'm supposed to be doing, but forget to write them down. How was I to know that my memory would fail me and if it's not written down, it just plain doesn't get done. Oh well, I need to have some imperfections, right?

This could be really fun...any suggestions can't hurt either.

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