Wednesday, April 16, 2008


I have been to a handful of beaches where the sand is soft and luxurious. So soft that you find yourself squishing your toes deeper and further into the sand. I like that kind of sand.

Now, if you have kids that go to school, I wonder if you can relate to me when I say that I despise sand.?! Somedays I honestly wonder if there is any sand left at the playground at school because of the seeming buckets that have been dumped out of my kids' shoes.

I really try not to be one of those people that freaks out when something gets spilled on the floor or a stain in the carpet, but sand on my carpet or tile just gets to me. I am always walking around the house in my bare feet and so every little speck seems to find it's way into my path.

This morning I was coaxing Hayden into refocusing his attention on getting ready for school when I entered his room and was almost repulsed at what stuck to my foot... a ton of sand. I'm not certain how that much got there, but I just don't like it! And maybe it's just my vacuum, but sand is like anti-suckable (I'm pretty sure I just made up that word.).

Anyway, I believe there's a time and place for everything. Sand is meant for beaches, not my house.

1 comment:

INVICTE said...

I'll remember to bring some Texas sand when we come to visit. LOL!