Monday, December 29, 2008

Wii earned it just in time for Christmas!

Since about September 3rd our little family implemented a plan to earn a very great reward. The plan was for certain chores, extra work, and normal routine things everyone could earn a certain number of beads. We had a goal to move 2000 beads from the "supply jar" to the "earned jar". We all knew it would take some time and that it would take some hard work, but at the end the reward would be a Nintendo Wii system. Beads were earned, sweat and tears were prevalent, some beads were even returned to the supply, some days there were many beads earned and some days only a few were earned...but lo and behold on December 24th the last of the beads had been moved from the supply jar to the earned jar. Wii had earned a Wii!!!!

The question from the kids came whether it would be under the tree for Christmas.? We tried to kid around with the kids that we would have to wait until the day after Christmas and go out to buy our new Wii, but that there probably wouldn't be any. But they had been under the tree for awhile.
Here's the loot!!! Needless to say, we were all very excited to get it set up and play.

Here's my brother and John enjoying a round of golf on the Wii. Fun was had by many at our house that rainy Christmas day.
Even the next day when my nephew Skylar came to visit, it was hard not to get sucked in to the Wii vortex.
All I can say is that I'm glad we worked hard for it and that we all feel like we took part to make it a family goal. Now,...who's up for a game of Boom Blox? Game on!!

1 comment:

New Lewis Happenings said...

We got a Wii too and wii've had a blast with it!! (ha ha) I need you to tell me how your bead jars work. It sounds like something that might work in my crazy household!!