Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Project Life

I enjoy scrapbooking, but it takes up more time than I have available now. A couple years ago a favorite scrapbooker started a new system of recording events of every day life. It started as Project 365. Now it's called Project Life. I have never found scrapbooking so easy. I take a picture every day. Average stuff. Funny stuff. Messes. Projects. Events. All kinds of stuff. Then I journal a small bit about each day, each picture. Then I slip it into my book, and ta da, it's done. I'm already done with last year's pictures! Isn't that great?

This year's albums actually came in two different designs. I got one for our family and the other design for a friend and their family. I love that my kids and family and friends want to look through it and see what's been going on. It's funny how the everyday stuff is just as interesting as the great big events.

Bottom easier way for me to capture the moments that will mean the most to our family.

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