Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I got squat.

Ok, so for once I have remembered something funny that my kids have said so that I can blog about let me know if you think it's funny or not (actually, only tell me if you think it's funny).

So, I had emptied the dishwasher earlier and I noticed a bunch of dirty dishes in the sink. So, I said to my kids, "Hey, I've emptied the dishwasher, so there's squat in the dishwasher. You can put your dishes in there because it's empty."

Without skipping a beat, my daughter says, "Squat in the dishwasher, got it!"

We all laughed for a good five minutes.


camran said...

Very funny! Good one Sidney!

Kaylee said...

Had to be funny because my kids are still saying it!!

Leslie said...

F-U-N-N-Y! Thanks for the laugh!