Monday, August 11, 2008

First Day of School

The first day of school brings back memories of anxiety and nerves. I feel them for my children today. Here it is, not even the middle of August and I'm sending my children off to learn from someone else. I like their school. We've been lucky that, so far, their teachers have been good, some great. Hayden was fortunate this year to get the same teacher Sidney had when she was in 1st grade. I am ecstatic! Sidney's teacher seems very sweet and very interested in the kids. Cross our fingers that Sidney ends up liking her.

We have to have the traditional first day photos.

Does Sidney like pink, or what?

What? No bright yellow or camo for Hayden?

My cutie pie taking a self portrait on the ride to school.

Here they are, heading for their the rest of the year will jump to light speed right in front of my eyes. Hold on tight!

This first day was not as bitter as last year. We've gone through the motions before. Sidney was more than happy to start school again. I think Hayden may take a few days of convincing, we'll have to wait and see. For me, my list of things to get done is not that long, but then again I haven't finished completing the list. I do, however, have a stack of books that is calling my name and they are calling much louder than the TO Do List. I don't think I'll be too crushed that my kids are gone for the first little while. Besides, they get to reconnect with friends and play on the playground and check out stuff at the library and... Yeah, I'm pretty sure they won't miss me either.

1 comment:

Tara and Logan said...

your kids are really growing up! I can't wait to see you guys!