Sunday, July 20, 2008

Proud of our own!

We have reached the end of Sidney's synchronized swim class that she took through the city's Parks & Rec program. The weekend before last she competed in a figures championship and placed 36th in her age group (I can't be sure how many there were, but my guess is at least 80, so in my mind she's placed better than half). Then just this last weekend her team placed 3rd in their age group for their routine. We are so excited for her and proud that she has done so well.

Here's Sidney all dressed for her team routine!

Here she is with her team.
Their final pose in the water.
Way to go sweetie!


Sheri Mills said...

That's awesome -- way to go Sidney! We are proud of you!

Kaylee said...

Whoo hoo. another one is hooked!! Sidney did great. We are so excited for her.