Friday, May 16, 2008

Bruised, but not broken.

First of all, it's not a great picture of the bruise on my left arm (it's the one on the right side of the picture), but it's the best I could get. So, 0k, you might look at this picture and think, "Oh, she's hurt and she's looking for sympathy..." Nope, I wear these bruises proudly. And even though I'm struggling with the sore muscles as well, I struggle with a smile. So, here's the scoop.

A friend invited me to come and play volleyball at her church building both Tuesday and Wednesday night this week. Tuesday they were having a tournament and needed enough people to make a team and Wednesday is the normal night for volleyball. Now, I really like volleyball. By saying that doesn't mean that I'm really good at it, but I really like it. It gets my blood pumping and it takes some physical agility. I am not a great setter, nor do I take flight and hit a great spike onto the opposing team. BUT I do "Bump" the ball well. I am not afraid of those hard serves that come whizzing towards the back row. Hence the bruises! For about 2 hours on Tuesday and again on Wednesday, I received serve after serve during volleyball. The bruises aren't really even that tender (perhaps there might be even a little nerve damage, JK), but my ego has a little boost. I'm certainly not the greatest player on the team, but I'd like to say that I'm a contributor, a real team player. These bruises will heal and the sore muscles will fade, and hopefully I will be allowed back next week to do it all over again!


The Normal Mormon Husband said...

Hey, thanks for the link to my blog ( I'm glad that you like it. I saw that some people had been referred to my site from yours, so I though I'd check your blog out.

Our lives are eerily similar. My wife is a good volleyball player and often comes home bruised. We lived in Tucson while I went to grad school and went to D-Backs games as often as we could. Your photos made me jealous now that we live in NC. Go D-backs!


Kaylee said...

Of course you are iinvited back, always, even if I decide volleyball stinks. Because we all know, I'm the player on the court that only gets to play because they all feel sorry for me and me pitiful attempts to hit the ball with my eyes open!

Jennifer Wheeler said...

I'm just proud of you for taking one or it looks like several for the team. Way to go in getting out there and giving it your all!