Wednesday, September 15, 2010

What are we up to?

So, my blog says to come and see what we're up to, but according to the lack of posting recently you would think, "Not much." This would be the opposite. We are exponentially more busy than we were before (if that's possible).

John is taking on more responsibilities with his work because his partner and colleague is possibly retiring at the end of the year, so he is taking over some of her tasks before they all land squarely in his lap when she leaves.

Sidney has joined the competitive synchronized swimming team. She was on the recreation team and it is less time per week. Now she swims twice as much on the competitive team, but she's still enjoying it.

Hayden is now in 3rd grade and it seems that there's quite a difference in the homework area from 2nd to 3rd grade. It used to take him about a half hour, tops, to complete his homework last year. Now it takes hours. And I'm not exaggerating when I say HOURS! Even with me by his side to keep him on task, it can take over 2 hours on some nights. And he's still trying to adjust to that reality...all of us are. In a couple weeks, Hayden will start fall baseball with his best friend, so we'll have to squeeze that in, too. He hasn't tried baseball yet, and we're all hoping he at least enjoys himself.

I am adding some change into the household as well. I have a job. Two actually. I was hired by the kids' school to be on the substitute list and I've already worked once. And I already have positions lined up for future days. I'm excited to be working with kids and getting a chance to see different age groups. My first assignment was with 6th grade and my next will be with 1st. We'll see how much I like it after that.? My second job is independently consulting with parents for the Becoming a Love and Logic Parent course, which is distributed through the Love and Logic Institute. I am ecstatic about it! I am having so much fun. I love helping parents see that there are some practical methods to offer them through this course.

I like that our new phase of life is pushing each of us to learn more and challenge us more and get out of our comfort zone more. So far so good.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

School started a while ago...

My kids have been in school for 3 weeks. I have been slacking in the area of blogging. So, here's pictures of my kiddos before they left for school.